Monday 19 December 2011

Assignment Interview
            English Communication 1 is one subject at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris that must taken by student.  This subject content many discipline of communicate include the ways people communicate and processes involved in ensuring effective and meaningful communication. It includes appropriate language forms and functions, pronunciation and enunciation, listening and responding to various text types, giving and receiving messages and information, and managing talk and oral discussion  Beside that, this subject provides an array of practice exercises to help students sharpen their communication skills.

The special feature are emphasis on listening and speaking skill, practical language input, meaningful learning tasks, comprehensive aural-oral practices and focused grammar practices. This report is to present about our interview task.  This interview task was given on week 8 and we decided to interview one officer at Hospital Pusrawi.  This interview must have ten questions about the English improvement in context of life.  We decided to ask about the passion and interest in his/her life.

travel stories
First step
We have received an assignment to make an interview with someone who know English language fluently.  This is grouping task and we decided to find somebody outside of Tanjung Malim.  Each members in our group find a person to make this interview.  After 3 days we find, then we collected two person to make this interview.

Second step
After we find the person, we make phone calling to make confirmation and this two person do not agree with interview because they were very busy at that time.  So that, we must find another person to fulfill this assignment.  Lastly, one of our member find a person who know English language very well.  The person is Nur Ain Binti Ghazali, one of an officer at Pusrawi Hospital.  We just make confirmation with her and she agree with us to make an interview on 30 October 2011 at Pusrawi Hospital.

Third step
After we agree to make an interview on 30/10/2011 with Miss Nur Ain Binti Ghazali, we decided to make second confirmation with her.  Unfortunately, she went to outstation on that week. Lastly, we just went to Golf and Country Club Bukit Beruntung, a place that Miss Nur Ain Binti Ghazali had meeting, we just use half an hour to make an interview with her.  


our last an interview.....
the criteria for the interview...
1) must do in ENGLISH!
2) any topic but must related to ENGLISH language
3) must interview people OUTSIDE from tanjung malim.....

....WHO MUST WE INTERVIEW????? thinking~~***

we got the problem!!!!!
know what???
we got last minute CANCEL for our oppoiment with the interviewee.... BUT we must submit the task only in 2week more....WHAT must we do????

the 1st thing i do is..inform to my lecture to give us permission to submit late....
and THANKFULL to my lecture for her permission....THANK YOU miss    love miss....
the end that week my group finish the interview in BUKIT BERUNTUNG

Monday 10 October 2011

Am I alone .............

Why today I feel empty,

Why today I feel like everything is wrong,

Why today I feel like the leaves wither,

Is this called a sense.

Why is this day things are normal,
Why today is very limited movement,

why today happened depression,

Does that say a part of life.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

......Badminton History......

BADMINTON was invented long ago; a form of sport played in ancient Greece and Egypt. Badminton came from a child's game called battledore and shuttlecock, in which two players hit a feathered shuttlecock back and forth with tiny rackets. The game was called "POONA" in India during the 18th Century, and British Army Officers stationed there took the Indian version back to England in the 1860's. The army men introduced the game to friends, but the new sport was definitely launched there at a party given in 1873 by the Duke of Beaufort at his country place, "Badminton" in Gloucestershire. During that time, the game had no name, but it was referred to as "The Game of Badminton," and, thereupon, Badminton became its official name.
Until 1887 the sport was played in England under the rules that prevailed in India. They were, from the English viewpoint, somewhat contradictory and confusing. Since a small army of badminton players had been recruited, a group formed itself into the Bath Badminton Club, standardized the rules, made the game applicable to English ideas and the basic regulations, drawn up in 1887, still guide the sport. In 1895, the Badminton Association (of England) was formed to take over the authority of the Bath Badminton Club, and the new group made rules, which now govern the game throughout the world.

Thursday 29 September 2011



i'm happy because my Swan Origami all ready finish...
And i can go to garden seafood to diner with my friend Mirgani, Syamin, Farid and Farul.....

shark soup

Hello....sorry yesterday i had no komen for my blog...because i very busy for my assignment...
My lecturer ask me to do Origami.....

Monday 26 September 2011


Today I was late to class ....
The fate of lecturers not mad at me ....
Overshoot somehow sleep this morning ......
Realize that I want to go class ....


I have to live with myself and so,
I want to be fit for myself to know,
I want to be able as days go by........

To look at myself straight in the eye,
I don't want to stand with the setting sun,
And hate myself for the things I've done......

I cannot hide myself from me,
I can see what others can never see,
I know what others can never know......

I cannot fool myself, and so,
Whatever happens,
I want to be used.........


Sunday 25 September 2011


Yesterday I was left the bus went back to Tanjung Malim....
A new experience for me ....
Kuala Lumpur beautiful meditation on the point of view of the night in dark alleys ....
It is an unfortunate day for me ....

Friday 23 September 2011


I came from small town in Sarawak...... Mukah....
My village is Igan Village...
tHIS VILLAGE very popular around the world with 'cerendak'......
On 1989, I was born as a human......
When I was a little boy I always jump at the gate because I would like to touch the lamp.....
Around the lamp is full with Butterfly,,,................
Very colourful.... nice .. for me its pretty animal...... pretty..... prettty.....
Because of that my fate was determined to be something like a player...
What is it...? Footballer.. no... netballer.. no no no....
maybe bowler no no no.......
but... I am a badminton player....


Welcome to my blog....... SEE me...